3 months old!

Nico turned 3 months old on Tuesday. I can't actually get a focused pic of him these days (even with our DSLR) because he's constantly kicking and squirming. He will only lay on my chest when he's really tired, which hurts my heart a little bit, but it's also pretty amazing to see him growing stronger and more alert by the day.

Month 3 brought lots of changes and growth for our little babe. He's now 12.5 pounds (give or take!) and still a long and lean little dude. We spent a weekend in Santa Cruz with our friends, and we were slightly worried it would throw off his stellar sleep patterns, but he crushed it with a 12 hour stretch. He's napping consistently in his crib (yay!) 2x / day and continues to sleep 10-12 hours straight at night. He's doing lots of social smiling and cooing, and his face completely lights up every time we pick him up from his bassinet or crib after a nap. Nico started swim lessons at 10 weeks at La Petite Baleen in Fort Mason, which is the cutest thing in the entire world. He just loves the water so much and looks around and smiles the entire time. We also just started a mommy and me class at DayOne Baby, and to be honest, I'd been really reluctant of joining mom groups, but a little extra support can't hurt, right?

Happy 3 months, buddy. Love you to the moon and back.